Warwick Wildlife

Updates from wildlife carers operating in Warwick and the Southern Downs.

We are licensed carers and members of Warwick Wildlife Care & Rescue, Granite Belt Wildlife Carers, RSPCA Wildlife Heroes and QWRC.

For an animal in need of rescue please phone Mob: 0447 108 619 between 7.00am and 9.00pm. After hours please phone the RSPCA 24 hour service: 1300 ANIMAL who will contact a local rescuer.

With thanks to Telstra Shop Warwick for sponsoring our rescue phone.

In order to see our updates when you 'Like' the page hover over the Liked button and select the following "Get Notifications", "Show in Newsfeed" and you can also "Add to Interest Lists..." but this last one isn't as critical! This will ensure you see our updates.


The petition against the Cherrabah Resort Development is now closed - thank you to everyone who signed. We will keep the page open to report on progress and also on local, national and international wildlife issues.

The last stronghold population of Spotted-Tailed Quolls in Southern Queensland is in danger.

Proposed development of a mega-resort in the Elbow Valley region of SE Queensland will push the Spotted-Tailed Quoll to extinction.

Development Company Joyful View Garden Real Estate proposes to develop over 2090 acres of land into a mix of permanent resident and resort-style accommodation for overseas visitors and residents of up to 4000 people. The environmental impact of the mini-city will push the Spotted-Tailed Quoll to extinction in Queensland.

The animal is Australia’s largest marsupial carnivore and is listed by the Federal Government as endangered. It is also recognised internationally as vulnerable under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

In 2009 Southern Downs Regional Council opposed the proposed extension of the Unimin mine in the same region, citing the proposed expansion might have a potential impact on the habitat of the quoll – yet passed this proposed development in June 2011 with no consideration for the species!

The current extinction rate of mammals in Australia is unequalled anywhere in the world.

A petition will be sent to the Minister of Sustainability and Environment who will make the final decision on approval of the mega-resort later this year.

We need YOUR help to ensure the survival of this important native carnivore. Please sign the petition to add your voice to help one with none.
